Webinar on December 7, 2022 at 16:00 CET
Opening the door to inclusivity and recruiting valuable people into contact centers craving new talent, in this event we’re doing an incredible double.
Genesys and Deliberate GmbH are combining complementary apps – shortyDings and Be My Eyes – to turn agent desktops into places where visually impaired people can truly flourish.
Learn how you can do good for your firm and the folk attracted to it.
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Did you know?
Being visually impaired myself was my inspiration for creating Be My Eyes. Our aim is to help people quickly solve daily tasks by connecting blind or partially sighted app users with sighted volunteers, company representatives, and contact center agents.
Hans Jørgen Wiberg, Gründer von Be My Eye
How does your inclusivity rating compare?
Meet the Speakers

Hans Jørgen Wiberg
Be My Eyes

Markus Lill
Managing Director

Christopher Weber
Manager Software Dev

Todd Kuipers
Vice President Sales
Be My Eyes
Making the contact center more accessible for all
By Hans Jørgen Wiberg, Founder of Be My Eyes
Blind or partially sighted people may require some visual support in their daily lives, but like sighted people, maintaining independence is a priority. Despite the difficulties that come with vision loss, innovative technology is making strides to remove barriers and create a more accessible world, both at home and in the workplace. Discover how.
Visual support on demand
Describing the goal of making the world more accessible for blind or partially sighted people, Hans Jørgen Wiberg, founder of Be My Eyes, says: “Being visually impaired myself was my inspiration for creating Be My Eyes. Our aim is to help people quickly solve daily tasks by connecting blind or partially sighted app users with sighted volunteers, and with company representatives and contact center agents.”
The Be My Eyes app was released on 15th January 2015, available on iOS and Android devices. Today, the app has more than 420,000 blind or partially sighted users, over six million volunteers, and 50 company partners. It has become enormously popular for a wide variety of use cases that sighted people may take for granted.
Enabling accessible customer interactions
One widely overlooked use case involves customers who require sighted support while interacting with a company representative. Purchases, returns, billing, and other common customer interactions can be difficult without sighted assistance, and corporate teams often struggle with how best to serve their blind customers in general.
As the largest online blindness community in the world, Be My Eyes represents a holistic solution. Companies can join without needing to create entirely new strategies for reaching and marketing to this demographic. The video-calling technology that powers Be My Eyes makes these customer experiences comfortable and efficient for both user and agent.
As a premium AppFoundry partner, Be My Eyes puts the power to better serve blind customers directly in the hands of contact center agents using Genesys Cloud CX.
Empowering everyone with empathetic experiences
In contact centers, delivering empathetic customer experience is a hot topic. Yet, in today’s resource-starved environment, little attention has been paid to the needs of blind and visually impaired contact center agents.
Thanks to the ingenuity of Genesys and its partner, Deliberate GmbH, this conversation is changing. Based on the Genesys Cloud CX environment and available from the AppFoundry marketplace, the Deliberate solution is called shortyDings + [assist]. This provides visually disadvantaged agents with the benefits of mouse-less efficiency, and access to a new generation of empathy-friendly apps, all within the Genesys Cloud CX environment familiar to agents.
With over 250 million people worldwide needing sighted support, that’s great news both for potential employees and firms looking to access new talent pools.
Offering flexible read-out and call-handling options
As an example, agents can initiate video calls using mobile cameras. That enables them to seek a meter reading or help triage a fault code on a domestic appliance. Thereby saving a callout or site visit. Additionally, agents can work on other systems with Genesys Cloud CX running in the background.
Things get even more interesting with the shortyDings +[assist] iteration. User-configurable hotkeys provide text-to-speech input confirmation of a called function for barrier-free working. Agents can even work in their CRM application and receive, forward and complete calls using wrap-up codes without having to visit the Genesys Cloud CX interface. That effectively turns Genesys Cloud CX into a fully functional workstation for visually impaired or blind people. And that creates for them new job opportunities.
You can read details about the shortyDings solution here.
Click here to download the Be My Eyes Mobile App.