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For Genesys Cloud

Revolutionizing Genesys Cloud Integration for your existing Business Applications with our API Gateway and Proxy for Genesys Cloud

Revolutionierende Genesys Cloud Integration für Ihre bestehenden Geschäftsanwendungen mit unserem API Gateway und Proxy für Genesys Cloud

cloudEngager is an API gateway and proxy framework for the Genesys Cloud and enables the simple integration of Genesys Cloud into existing business applications. In particular, business applications with classic CTI integration can be integrated via the framework without having to adapt the basic architecture of the existing application (e.g. classic client-server structures with CTI client integrations). All that is required here is to convert the API calls to the Genesys Cloud API so that functions such as call acceptance, forwarding, etc. can also be used with Genesys Cloud from the business application.

cloudEngager ist ein API-Gateway- und Proxy-Framework für die Genesys Cloud und ermöglicht die einfache Integration von Genesys Cloud in bestehende Geschäftsanwendungen. Insbesondere lassen sich Business Anwendungen mit klassischer CTI-Integration über das Framework einbinden, ohne die grundlegende Architektur der bestehenden Anwendung anzupassen (z.B. klassische Client-Server-Strukturen mit CTI-Client-Integrationen). Es ist hier lediglich erforderlich, die API-Aufrufe auf die Genesys Cloud API umzustellen, damit Funktionen wie Anrufannahme, Weiterleitungen, etc. auch mit Genesys Cloud aus der Business Applikation heraus genutzt werden können.

User Session Power:
Gain ability to trigger any command on behalf of any agent from a system context

Seamless Transition:
Smoothly migrate from Genesys Engage to Genesys Cloud without a hitch

Rapid Integration:
Speed up the integration of custom client applications from Engage to Cloud

Server-side Control:
Enjoy enhanced Genesys Cloud user handling for applications with server-side CTI

Full Genesys API Control:
Gain unprecedented control over user interactions with the Genesys API

Are these all / some of your requirements?

your requirements


  • Secure communication Business Server to Cloud Engager with TLS and API token
  • High Performance Management
  • Developed in GoLang "the ultimate choice for performance and scalability"
  • Single WebSocket to Business App(s) Supports a single client and also Business Server Cluster
  • User Notification Filtering configurable
  • Ensuring socket stability via Ping/Pong, Heartbeat and reconnect features
  • Token management / verification and updating
  • Operable in cluster (HA) or single node docker container
  • Uses Cassandra and Redis in Memory DB in HA mode
  • Integrated self-load balancing and external load balancing Support
  • Utilisation of Genesys APIs in user context
  • Utilisation of Genesys APIs in system context
  • Utilisation of Genesys notifications

Structure and architecture

The basic structure consists of a client-server architecture, via which the connections are routed to the Genesys Cloud on the one hand and to the business application on the other. The following drawing provides a basic overview of the architecture:


cloudEngager - architectural sketch

cloudEngager Server (CES)

The cloudEngager Server (CES) is provided as a Docker container and can therefore be flexibly integrated into any infrastructure on site/on premise or as a cloud service. This architecture ensures simple deployment and all relevant components such as databases or logging functionalities are already included. Operational capability is ensured after the initial setup and basic configuration and requires no further adjustments during operation.

Communication requires access from the CES to Genesys Cloud, the business application and also to the client segments. The connection is initiated by the clients in the direction of the CES, so that common security configurations with firewalls and segmentation are also supported.

Depending on the requirements and number of clients, the cloudEngager server can be operated as a single or high-performance multinode instance including self-load balancing. Comprehensive monitoring and logging functions are also available.

cloudEngager Client (CEC)

When using cloudEngager, the focus is primarily on using Genesys Cloud via the business application, which uses the integration to handle typical scenarios such as answering calls, making and forwarding calls, setting user status, post-processing interactions, etc. To this end, cloudEngager provides the business application with the user context for API control.

However, at least the initial login to Genesys Cloud must take place via Genesys itself. In typical cloudEngager use cases, advanced agent operations or the comprehensive supervisor functions in Genesys Cloud are also used.

For this purpose, cloudEngager provides two application scenarios with different cloudEngager clients (CEC) at the agent front end:

Single Plugin Client (CEC-SC)
In this variant, the Genesys Cloud Frontend is normally used in the browser (Chromium-based browser required) and establishes the connection to the cloudEngager server in conjunction with a browser plugin. The existing connection to the CES is signaled via a tray icon, which also provides access to comprehensive detailed information on the connection status.

cloudEngager Single Plugin Client (CEC-SC)

Enhanced Client (CEC-EC)
The Genesys Cloud front end is integrated into the CEC client in this variant, and no separate browser plug-in is required. The CEC-EC is based on the Microsoft Edge WebView2 technology integrated in Windows and also offers the following functional enhancements:

  • Advanced notifications for incoming interactions (status bar)
  • Custom ringtones - own individual ringtones for Genesys Cloud
  • Compressed browser interface (no annoying buttons, tabs, etc.)
  • Securing the Genesys session (no accidental closing of the browser and thus logout in the Genesys Cloud possible)
  • Easy deployment and packaging incl. autostart
  • Full integration into the Windows system update structure through the use of WebView2 technology
  • Extended security restrictions through limitation to Genesys websites (white- and blacklisting)

cloudEngager - enhanced client (CEC-EC)

Comparison Matrix
(Scenario Full Client runs parallel)

cloudEngager compaision matrix

Requirements & supported environments

Browser Extension


A monitoring extension that creates a link to Genesys at user level. Extension available for Google Chrome, Edge.

Logo cloudEngager


Application for coupling to the browser extension and intermed6iary to Cloud Engager Server. Is provided as an installation package.

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Main Component

High-performance main component based on GoLang as an HA-capable Docker environment to provide the secure API gateway / proxy functionality for significantly simplified use of all Genesys APIs in the user context, system context and notifications. 


Docker Components

Docker components for the provision of distributed high-performance services and logging.

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