Touchpoint analysis

August 18

Last updated on August 19, 2022

Customer Experience Workshop

This 1.5-day workshop examines existing touchpoints and the resulting potential for improvement in the communication processes with your company's customers.

By analyzing your communication situation, we work with you to develop solutions for optimizing your communication processes, taking into account the criteria of customer satisfaction, cost reduction and increased productivity.

You will receive support services for the creation of a communication concept that describes the current input channels and shows their dependency in the company. Important information is elaborated, which should lead to a target picture and a first concept regarding the management of contact channels with the customer.

Deliberate TOUCH Methodik

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The workshop will cover the following topics:

Assessment of the communication processes for up to three areas with regard to telephony and ACD
Inventory of the technologies used (hardware and software) with regard to data flows
Definition of three use cases per area, which are defined as a basis for the further procedure
Evaluation of the use cases with regard to communication breaks and information acquisition
Consideration of the organizational framework conditions, responsibilities and contractual relationships
Consideration of corporate requirements
Coordination of the requirements with all participants with regard to acceptance and identification

This workshop will provide you with the following benefits for your company:

Transparency of your internal and external communication situation
Common understanding of workshop participants for cross-departmental customer communication processes 
Increased business success as well as customer and employee satisfaction through the targeted use of intelligent communication solutions
Gaining an understanding of how phone calls are currently made, what data is recorded where, and where media breaks may occur 
Joint development of the requirements for a new system using the example of the use cases 
Basis for decision-making on scope, sequence, possible dependencies and necessary changes
Employees' readiness and acceptance for measures to optimize communication processes are increased

The methodology within the workshop is divided into three phases:

1. analysis phase

Structuring and analysis of your internal and external communication relationships

2. optimization phase

Development of solution approaches for optimizing customer communication processes

3. action plan

Decision and prioritization of further steps and possible "quick wins
We will spend the first afternoon on the first phase of the workshop.
On day two, phases 2 and 3 will be worked on.
The 1.5-day workshop is conducted as group work, moderated by a communications consultant from our company.
To ensure that all aspects of your corporate communications are taken into account, experienced participants from all relevant functional areas of your company should take part in the workshop.
The group of participants ideally comprises 6 to 12 participants.


The results of the workshop are presented in the form of a PowerPoint. These include:

Developed requirements profile
Which systems are to be integrated 
Overview of the required functionality of a new system 
Recommendation for action

Offer package*:


*The services are provided remotely.
If on-site deployment is desired, an additional travel fee will be charged.

Download offer flyer now

Vorschau Flyer_TouchPoint-Analsyse.pdf

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