How (un)satisfied customers are today
Professional competence was rated best
Excerpt from the representative B2C and B2B survey "Status Customer Service D/A/CH 2021" by Statista and Genesys.
The evaluation shows that service quality leaves room for improvement in the eyes of customers. In a survey on customer satisfaction, only 53 percent stated that their concern had been satisfactorily resolved. After all, this is the most important aspect of customer service for customers.
And how satisfied are you in general with the following aspects of customer service?
The scores for speed of response, professional competence of employees and empathy were even worse: Significantly less than half of the customers were satisfied. The best rating was given to professional competence - 44 percent said they were rather or very satisfied. The speed of response impressed 42 percent of respondents. In terms of empathy, only 41 percent of customers were satisfied.
Download the whole survey now:
(only available in German)