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Installation Guides

shortyDings allows to control calls and agent state by assigning commands to keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys). This means the Genesys Cloud can be controlled without having to use the mouse to find and click a button for each command. This works even if the browser window is not visible or in the background. Agents can work in their CRM application and receive, forward and complete calls without switching to the Genesys Cloud interface. This results in higher efficiency, accessibility and user-friendliness in processing interactions and puts your service to another level.
shortyDings +[assist] does not only allow to control calls and agent state by assigning commands to keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys), but also gives input confirmation feedback of the called command via TextToSpeech output (TTS). TTS can be freely configured by the user for each command and shortcut. This results in greater accessibility and freedom from barriers when working with Genesys Cloud and thus offers the possibility to use Genesys Cloud as a workstation for visually impaired people.
Another advantage of shortyDings +[assist] when working with Genesys Cloud is, that even if the application itself is not visible (in the background), the shortcuts can be used. Agents can for example, work in their CRM application and receive, forward and complete calls including wrap-up codes without switching to the Genesys Cloud interface. This means you can control the Genesys Cloud without having to use the mouse to find and click a button for each command. This is very efficient and saves plenty of time.
Yes, admin right is required for the installation process.
These can be found here on the service page itself: Release Information