What is the current version, what features are new, etc.?

Below is a historical list of all versions and changes:

2024/02/01 - cloudEngager Version 1.0

First published version - start 2024/02/01


  • Secure communication Business Server to Cloud Engager with TLS and API token
  • High Performance Management
    - Developed in GoLang "the ultimate choice for performance and scalability"
  • Single WebSocket to Business App(s) Supports a single client and also Business Server Cluster
  • User Notification Filtering configurable
  • Ensuring socket stability via Ping/Pong, Heartbeat and reconnect features
  • Token management / verification and updating
    - Operable in cluster (HA) or single node docker container
    - Uses Cassandra and Redis inMemory DB in HA mode
  • Integrated self-load balancing and external load balancing Support
  • Utilisation of Genesys APIs in user context
  • Utilisation of Genesys APIs in system context
  • Utilisation of Genesys notifications